SAILING FOR DUMMIES (2nd Edition) is required reading for all sailors.  Not only is it a great tool for learning to sail, it will serve well as a reference.  Here is a topical study guide focused on dinghy sailing:

Getting Started:
Feeling the wind pages 11 and 12
Looking at a Sailboat pages 13 - 19
Basic Sailing Maneuvers pages 20 - 22SFD
Knots pages 366 - 369
Dinghies - Pages 25 and 26 (We will be sailing   420 dinghys with two sailors on board, coach  following on small motorboat)
Planning Ahead:
What to wear pages
37 - 42 The 420 is an open  dinghy.  You will be required to wear a life jacket, helmet, and sailing gloves.
These boats will turn over so wear something that can get wet.  For colder weather you should obtian a wet suit or dry suit.
Before you leave the dock.
Parts of a dinghy - Page 51, figure 4-2
Climbing aboard a dinghy - Page 52 figure 4-3
Rigging the boat - Pages 55 - 63
Raising the Sails - Pages 64-70 (420 raise jib first)
Steering and Riding - Pages 71 - 74
Rules of the Road - Pages 75 and 76
Finding wind direction - Page 80
Points of Sail - Pages 81 and 82 Figure 5-1 and 5-2
Sailing in the Zone - Pages 83 - 88
Basic sailing terms - Pages 89 and 90
Basic maneuvers - Pages 91 - 97
Trimming and easing lines (dinghy) Pages 98 - 100
Leaving dock under sail Pages 107 and 108
Docking under sail Pages 111 and 112
Dealing with high wind - Page 130 - on 420's we reduce sail area by dropping the main
Recovering from capsize - Page 135 - 139 - we will do at least one capsize drill
How windy is it?  Pages 154 and 155 we will not sail in wind over 15 knots - If wind picks up while on the water, drop the main and sail to dock.
Judging laylines - Page 172
Holding a steady course - Page 173

High School Sailing
